Monday, June 15, 2009

Bringing You Up to Date

I'm calling this space into my life as a fulltime model and actress ... my bloggery ... for the obvious. Simple explanation, it would be more like a diary if it were pen to book...but I decided that because of how most of us communicate these days... THE INTERNET ... here I am. Sharing my experiences in this rewarding yet challenging industry. But also as an open door for anyone pursuing or fullfilling their dreams, but dag on it...just feels like giving up, crying, cussing somebody out, screaming at the top of your lungs. Any verb that helps you get it all out and then bring you back to why you are doing it all in the first place. You love it!!!

Wish I would have thought about doing this 2 years, 3 months and 6 days ago when I first decided to quit my job and pursue my dream of modeling and acting. But one can't live in the past. But boy...I have some stories. So for all intent and purposes, I guess I should recap up until this day which has been a blower but also just another chapter in the pursuit of my dream.

Before I quit my job in march of 2007, I went to L.A. with 2 of my girls who were out there for their own purposes. I visited a few agencies to see what type of feedback I would get. Like 30 min or less after leaving one of them, I got a call. Long story short and the norm, they would represent me but I needed to live out there on the west coast. So I had it in my mind that I was gonna rent my spot and try to find a place to stay out there and try this thing out. But I had been submitting to NY as well, and when I started getting interest in that market, I'd figure I could stay in my house, that I hadn't been in that long, and just make the commute up to NY when I was called for castings and auditions. So being blessed with a brother- in- law who is from NY and whose mom still resides there, and friends, J. Greene, T. Blockett, G. Brooks and R. Barry....I've been able to make the commute and have a place to lay my head when I come in town.

Let me tell you this process has been challenging, overwhelming, joyous, memorable...that's just to name a few...but there have been times I have wanted to Q U I T! But I cry it out and ahhhhh....I start to feel better. GOD has truly helped me through it. His guidance and love have kept me together, along with the support and love of my family and friends. But back to today. Cause I gotta get that out so I can press on.

Well my normal pick of transpo is the greyhound or peterpan bus lines because its darn cheap. Well today...I get to the new carrollton station and the bus is there....early. Eventhough I bought my ticket online, I still need to pick my ticket up at the booth. So the bus is there early and I get there about 712am...bus leaves at 720am...hurry out the car...scurry to the booth...but as I'm doing that...I'm peeping out the amount of people waiting to get on the bus. NOTE: this bus has people already onboard from the DC station. I get to the ticket booth. Nobody is there. So of course I'm like ...not today...I have an audition at 110p...I've got to get on this bus. So I scurry back over to where the bus is...I ask what's going on... PROBLEM! It's not enough room on the bus for everyone. WTH?

So I've learned from picking the bus up in DC that they will not fill up the bus because they have to allocate enough seats for the passengers in New Carrollton. Ok so that didn't happen because its still about ten of us left. The bus driver says they're gonna send another bus in 20 minutes. YEAH RIGHT! So I've also learned from riding the bus for over 2 years and seeing so much unprofessionalism and nonsense with this company..I already know ain't no dag on bus coming in 20 minutes. Mind you I'm catching the 720am bus because I have to be in NY by 110p and the next bus out of New Carrollton doesn't come until 1020am.

So we are all waiting....and waiting....and waiting. This dude with tattoos all over his face and neck and earrings in his lip and chin compliments me on smile. Takes me away from whats going on for a minute because I'm thinking to myself...why? Not why is he talking to me but why all that on his face and stuff...

Anywho...I already have in mind that if the back up bus doesn't get here by at least 830am...I'm gonna have to dish out some money I don't have to buy a train ticket...that's right $124 ONE WAY...the bus is $25 ONE WAY. My face ... PRICELESS. The guy in the booth comes out to tell us something I already know... that the next bus is at 1020a. But this is also after one customer has already gone over about 10 min ago to assess the situation which couldn't be assessed because no one from the DC station answered the phone. If this had been a couple years ago...I'd been so HOT and tearing up. Crying over something I have no control over. But because the spirit of GOD dwells within me...I did what I had to do with some complaint and a lil attitude...but I got it together. Had to go ahead and get that train ticket. Thanks Greyhound!

Soooo...this brings me to my audition...which I felt I would do pretty good except I learned the wrong lines. I mean I was somewhat familar with the lines they wanted me to know but I wasn't fully prepared. Anywho...first read was pretty good...second read....ummm...well let's just say...I'm not thrilled about it. But hey...I need to be more prepared! Lesson burned or earned...let's just hope they are a little forgiving and its money earned. I need to get my money back for that train ticket.

Don't worry, I'm gonna see if those bamas at greyhound will let me change my outgoing ticket to my return ticket. Cause a sista will be taking a bus back... We'll see what happens... Stay tuned.. And remember, challenges are opportunities for you to reach your greatness! Hang in there. It will pay off.

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you... you are an inspritation to those who are afraid to live out their dreams. Just know you have a supporter in me and I wish you all the success in the world. Keep HIM first and keep the faith!!! God Bless you momma ;-) Love ya!
